Group Rates for Graduation Pictures

Group rates for graduation pictures

Hey seniors!

Rather than going solo for your pictures you might be interested in group rates for graduation pictures. Getting graduation pictures is always an exciting time and that fun is amplified when your friends come along. You will find group rates for graduation pictures can vary greatly between photographers. Many photographers have an add-on fee for each extra person in the photos but my stance is that I spend almost the same amount of time editing the same amount of pictures based on the session length you choose. Why do I have the same amount of photos delivered for each session rather than giving you hundreds of pictures? That is a quality service I offer that adds value to your graduation pictures by only delivering the best of the best images. Awesome!

My Group Rates for Graduation Pictures

I often see students looking for a group rate not only to get pictures with their school family or significant other but to help share the costs. My group rate? My group rate is the same as an individual rate. The rate is based on session length and images delivered – not the amount of people in those pictures. If you want pictures with you and your bestie, sister or your five college house mates, my session rate is the same. Hooray!

What pictures do we get as a group?

The quality and quantity of the delivered images is never lost when I deliver your graduation pictures.

So if the session prices don’t change, the session length doesn’t change and the prices don’t change, what does? What changes is the amount of individualized pictures you get. If your session delivers 40 images and you have 5 people in your group, you will each receive some individual portraits and some group portraits. At a minimum, I want you to have a professional portrait you can use for resumes or work, a posed grad photo for prints to family and a celebratory photo for you social media. Beyond the minimum, my next goal is to get photos of you at your favorite places on campus.

In conclusion, forget add on fees when seeking group rates for college graduation pictures. My single portrait rates match group rates. Score!

Check out my rates here!



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