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College Graduation

popping champagne for your college senior pictures
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Looking for awesome college senior pictures of you spraying a celebratory bottle? Then I have some tips for you on how to enjoy this completely experiential photo of celebration!

Have a Blast Popping Champagne for your College Senior Pictures

College Graduation

20 places for pictures at Washington State University
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With graduation just around the corner, this is a good time to be thinking about graduation photos. WSU Graduation pictures are an awesome way to commemorate your college experience. Take a look at 20 of my favorite places to take graduation pictures at WSU Pullman.

20 Places for Pictures at Washington State University

College Graduation

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What you wear for your college graduation pictures has a lot to do with how you want to use, display and share your photos. To answer the question what do I wear for college graduation pictures, I suggest a bit of attire mixing. Throughout your session I like to include 3 basic looks. For the […]

What Do I Wear for College Graduation Pictures?!

College Graduation

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College grads