Building Excitement with Pullman Engagement Pictures!

Hey I’m Nate, I love taking Pullman engagement pictures! Over the last 10+ years I have been photographing life’s celebrations for so many amazing people in the Moscow and Pullman area. Why? Because Pullman carries a special meaning for my wife Faith and I.

While at WSU, I proposed to Faith at the end of a birthday dance. The birthday dance is part of our shared hobby of swing dancing with the Swing Devils in Moscow! If you get the chance to take a partner or social dance class at WSU or UI – do it!

If you just got engaged, you know this feeling of love, pure ecstasy and joy. There is something amazing about moving from a dating relationship that may fade to knowing that you’re going to be with and for each other through anything life throws at you.

Being engaged is a special time of life. As such, I cannot wait to take your Pullman engagement pictures!

Why get your engagement pictures in Pullman or Moscow

Pullman and Moscow are ideal settings for your engagement pictures. Above all, Pullman/ Moscow likely brought the two of you together. As such, this area may have a strong meaning in your relationship. But there is also the incredible scenery between the campuses, towns, parks, farms, gardens and all the recreational areas around us. Another reason to get your engagement pictures done here is to simply record and celebrate this exciting step in your life!

Your engagement pictures are more than fun snapshots; they’re a low-stress way to get comfortable in front of a camera while testing out a potential wedding photographer as well as learn some flattering poses.

Locations for engagement pictures in Pullman or Moscow

Being a Pullman engagement photographer has given me the chance to really explore and discover the beauty of the area. Seriously folks, there is a lot to be excited about! I would love to hear where you’d like to have your engagement pictures taken, but here are some locations I prefer to use.

  • WSU or UI Campus
  • UI Arboretum
  • Downtown Moscow
  • Strattons Cutting Gardens
  • Lawson Gardens
  • Wawawaii County Park or anywhere along the Snake river
  • Wheat fields
  • Magpie Forest
  • Moscow Mountain
  • Pullman Parks
  • Moscow Parks

What to do with your engagement pictures

Aside from sharing your engagement pictures on social media, there are other great things to do with your engagement pictures.

  • Save the dates or invitations – most popular reason and yes, I’ve got you covered on printing 😉
  • Wedding guest book
  • Photos for your home
  • Displaying at your wedding
  • Slideshow images at your reception or rehearsal dinner
  • Gift for guests add your new mailing address too

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