20 Places for Pictures at Washington State University

20 places for pictures at Washington State University

The end of your college era is just around the corner and this is a good time to start thinking about pictures. But where should you take them? Lucky you, I have compiled 20 places for pictures at Washington State University in Pullman, WA. Pictures are an awesome way to commemorate your college years both as an immediate experience of celebration and as future nostalgia sets in.

I spent 6 ½ years between WSU Pullman and WSU Spokane in order to earn my Master of Architecture degree. Those great memories of my time at WSU are abundant and full of incredible relationships developed through my major as well as non-academic activities like the Cougar Marching Band, pep bands, church, swing dancing or just hanging out in the dorms and my college apartment.  I am sure you have a similar experience of the deep sense of community at WSU. Its true, once a Coug, always a Coug!

Your last pictures taken at WSU become a highlight experience that brings back those warm Coug family feelings and a sense of great accomplishment. These pictures are also a great way to say thank you to those who have supported you through your journey.

Having been a grad photographer for several years now, I have found the best spots while walking around on my own and with those soon to be grads. Here is a pool of the top 20 places I consider when planning your grad photo route.


  1. Terrill Mall

2. Terrill library roof top

3. The CUB

4. Wilson Hall

5. Bryan Hall Clock Tower

6. The Coug

7. Martin Stadium

8. Alumni Center – Victory Bell

9. Bohler Athletic Complex COUGARS sign

10. Thompson Hall and Thompson Flats

11. In front of your dorm

12. Your major’s primary building

13. Your Greek house

14. Fine Arts Museum

15. Crabapple blossoms outside of the Cue (during that season)

16. WSU entry sign

17. Cougar Statue

18. WSU Water Tower

19. Chinook Student Center

20. WSU Historical Arch

There are so many other great photo opportunities, what am I missing on this list?  Learn more about grad photos


On the blog:

How to Pop a Bottle of Champagne for Grad Pictures

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