Are you ready to gain a greater level of independence? If you live in the state of Washington and are enrolled in a Spokane driver’s ed course, you can get a learners permit as early as age 15. Once you are at least 16 years old, completed your driver’s education course and passed the driver’s license exams, you can get your driver’s license. A good place to begin your search for a driver’s ed course is your high school. Many schools have networked with local companies to offer their students a convenient way to get driver’s education. These four driver’s education businesses will help you learn to drive by preparing you for both the written and driving state licensing exams. Many of these businesses can be found at local high schools.
Earning your driver’s license is one of those fun life milestones. Driving truly expands your ability to get to and from your schools sports and activities. As you get to your junior and senior year, make sure to celebrate your next life milestone of high school graduation with senior pictures! I take yearbook and graduation photos for juniors and seniors throughout the Spokane region. Outdoor photos in natural, glowy and urban locations are my specialty. When you are ready, I look forward to hearing from you!